Join us Tuesday the 15th of Cotober, 9:00 am PDT/ noon EDT/ 1600 GMT
Marijah Butcher will present her project on water cleanup in Lake Victoria in Kenya, her efforts in Australia, and ways to collaborate.
Do join us with your project so we can see HOW to work together. for the zoom link
How to turn alliances into productive resources. Together!
90 minutes of brainstorming and REAL Collaboration.
Wednesday, October 9th
8:00 - 9:30 PDT/ 11:00 - 12:30 EDT/ 1500 - 1630 GMT
Commonalities, Communication and Collaboration come together FOR YOU!
First hour taking the 3Cs into a simplified system to use in LinkedIn. Using attendees as your proof of process. Then the Break-Thru room to begin the collaboration.
Zoom link is
Friday, Sept. 20th
7 - 8:30 am PDT/10 am EDT/ 1400 GMT
Register at
Explained here
If you have questions or want to have a complimentary zoom, please contact us at
Restarting October 1st,
Manifesting Global Solutions Group is partnering with Spirit of the Game.
Each week we bring speakers on one of our 4 topics: Literacy, Wellness, Environment, and Employment.
The 5th session is “Other” for my heroes to celebrate already doing well.
The purpose is to collect groups/individuals focusing on self-sustainability typically in underserved communities. Through awareness, then collaboration our positive impact will gradually increase love, prosperity and peace globally.
Do join us! at 9:00 am PDT/1600 GMT
"Be Real Get Real Podcast"
Superficial Connections Drive Me Nuts!
Jaclyn Zoccoli EQ Summit Empathy in your Life.
Sept 2023
Rachel LeRoy shows delight after a LinkedIn Lumination™ session. Listen in
This is a series of webinars to encourage positive vibes and friendships. It is very informal with the purpose of building a positive mindset, as well as anew friendships.
A sense of humor is a pre-requisite.
Series 6 Video 1
Series 6 Video 2
Series 6 Video 3
Series 6 Video 4
Series 6 Video 5
More from Jacque
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